Passion Project, MUCH? featured recent .AI project work I created using, Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

My son always tells me that I need to “Get a hobby”. I’ll run through the verbal inventory. I like photography, mountain biking, mountain climbing, bee keeping, design, helping ideas/organizations launch and succeed. I’m passionate about learning, launching and growing.

Recently, after a friend recommended I start trying out AI tools for creative work, it’s like the fast-forward button has been stuck pressed-in. Through the use of software like,, Dall-E and more I’ve been unable to find the boundary for what AI can do, I mean, really do.

Children’s Book project

AI has helped with a children’s book creation which is now an ebook on Amazon and still a week away from the hardcover and audio book release.

Where do ladybugs get their color? Children’s book available in hardcover, ebook, and audiobook.

You can get a copy of the new book, Where do ladybugs get their color?

Airbnb Project

Recently I entered design submissions to the OMG Airbnb $100k/$1M giveaway. I made it to the third round with the honeycomb hideout airbnb. May have made it to the final selection had I been using AI to help with the creative ideation. This for sure was a legit passion project!

Well, speaking of, here is what created in the style of a beehive that people can stay in. Isn’t it wild!

When AI creates it pulls from many possibilities, inspired, like a human artist. But every now and then it’s easy to spot what human made and what’s AI. (Check out the piano, oven, shelf it tried to create.) Love the honeycomb wall shelf and storage art however.

My passion is creating. That is my hobby, dreaming up what’s possible and helping to make it a reality. Today. We can create and do almost anything. The question is what will you do with it?

Translating Creative

Great meeting today prepping for 2010 Christmas at Grace Fellowship Church. Stan Durham our Pastor of Creative Innovation shared his initial script for Christmas with Myra and me. I am blown away by the creativity and how his mind works. It is rare that I am caught off guard by people and I have to say this time I truly was. I have always known that Stan was a creative person, I have seen his part in creating many services, skits, dramas, songs and messages. I have often referred to him as being “out there” x 10. He really is. For some reason this was different. He locked himself away for several days in a row to create a Christmas piece and wanted to walk-through it with Myra and me today so we could get a feel for art direction, parts, roles, etc. Lots of fun. Even at 2:00pm in the afternoon right when the lunch lull hits.

I am blown away how we are all truly made different, with unique talents, minds, ways of doing things and communication style. Dig it. Looking forward to see this in full detail. Good work Stan. Glad you stay true to who you were made to be.

What do you see when other people let you into their world? Do you really listen? Are you judging or are you patient or open enough to hear their story?

Genesis 1: Six Steps Creative Process

Great article about Kerry and the church. Very cool.

Kerry Shook, Pastor of Fellowship of the Woodlands in Houston TX kicked off this year’s Keynote sessions at the NRB with a message about how God wants to use the same process seen in Genesis Chapter 1 in our lives and ministries.

There are essentially six steps in the process according to Pastor Shook. These steps are Light, Land Life, Likeness, Leverage and Limits.

  1. Light. The first thing God created was light. Light represents an idea from God. Pastor Shook talked about how churches today use very little creativity or resources in getting their message out. He then shared a story about a crazy Idea his team had for one of his series. Pastor Shook and his team were trying to come up with creative illustrations about the cross. Someone had the idea to use motocross and to bring in a professional motocross driver to jump over the pastor, right on stage. He said the whole stunt lasted only three minutes, but after the sermon, over 300 people gave their hearts to the Lord, including the motocross driver.“We vastly underestimate the power of one idea,”  said Shook.
  2. Land. Land is the opportunities we are given on this earth. One of the “territories” not being reached today is the next generation.
  3. Life. Life represents the passion that is in our hearts. We must have passion for what we do. We can have all the ideas and opportunities in the world and it will all be for nothing if the passion in our hearts does not match.
  4. Likeness. God created man in his own image. We were created to be like Him. The fourth step in the process is a life change. If an idea is from God, the evidence will be changed lives and the first life that will be changed is our own. We must also be authentic because a life change is always authentic. One of the ways that Pastor Shook has challenged his church to be authentic is through a 30 days to live challenge in which participants lived their lives as if it were the last 30 days they had to live.  Shook says “Unchurched people want a challenge worthy of their lives.”
  5. Leverage. After God created Adam and Eve, he told them to be fruitful and multiply. God wants our ministries to be fruitful and to multiply them.
  6. Limits. The Bible says that on the 7th day, God rested. The last piece of the puzzle is knowing our limits.  Our own ideas cannot change one life.

Link here:

Chapel Live – An Interactive Experience


Heard Chapel Live was amazing last weekend. I am looking forward to checking it out this Sunday night. We will probably go to the 5:30pm service. We have not attended services in the Chapel yet – should be fun. I think we will have to move our small group meeting time around, we usually meet Sunday nights as well. We will see. College age to thirty-somethings will probably love the service.

I’ll post some photos of the service after this weekend.

Link here: