The Walking Dead

Keeping up with appearances even when you don’t feel like it. It happens. It’s the norm to be “fine” when you’re not. It’s expected and almost required. But if you stay there; ungrateful, conflicted and bitter and try to fake a smile or put on a show you will eventually wind up in an extremely dangerous place.

We were not meant to fake it. We were never meant to walk dead. It goes against everything we are about. You even feel the twist internally when you try and do it. Two scriptures come to mind when I think about this topic. One is towards all of us and the other is pointed directly at religious leaders who claim to know Jesus.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Don’t pretend like you can get away with this kind of living. You were never meant to bear the full weight of this fallen world. So why try it alone?

Artwork available for download (Photoshop PSD):
The Walking Dead

Superbowl Sunday

One of the largest attended and most watched televised events is happening this weekend — the NFL Super Bowl! It’s game time and everyone is excited. It’s about a competition to find out who is the best of the best each year. Personally, I wish we were watching the Houston Texans against the Packers or Steeler’s but there’s always next year!!!

So here’s my question ‘What can the church learn from the superbowl?’ Besides the emphasis of excellence, atmosphere, energy and so on… the NFL has built up an incredible following and fan base around this one huge weekend — it’s goal and purpose to determine the best team of the season and put on an incredible show for all the fans.

So let me state the obvious – we ‘the Church’ are not here to compete with one another and certainly not here to put on a great show. We are the body of Christ and are called to work together to accomplish one goal to share the good news of Jesus Christ, reach people for him and equip them to reach others who do not yet know what He did for all of us. This was God’s original vision for us ‘The Church’.

Pro football players understand they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Let’s employ every method and means to give people a glimpse of the vision of the Church that Jesus talked about when He was with us on this earth — an incredible team of people who love God, love each other and love life.

Raising The Bar

Thinking about Tony Morgan & Tim Stevens and the impact and influence both of these guys have on the church and where it is going. Got to meet Tony today at Grace Fellowship. He is here for a couple of days to review and give us feedback. Love what he is doing and how God is using him. He is obviously capturing the attention of leaders around the nation. Looking forward to our staff meeting tomorrow and what he has to say about this weekend and his perception of GFCFamily.

Just browsed Tim’s tweets and blog and then a GCC series promo and it felt like I read over and over what has been on my heart for some time. This is going to look obvious but “What if the church looked more like Jesus?” What if we were an army for His purpose and got off the Christianese buffet and actually started to love and care for the people who need it most? So, what would the church look like if it decided to look more like Jesus? If you have been following @TimAStevens Twitter or blog feed lately or have checked out the GCCWired website you will see they are moving closer to purpose and challenge that Jesus left for his followers. This has been on my mind more and more lately. “Churches are starting to feel like cruise ships instead of battleships.” This statement has stuck with me since Tierce Green said it just a few years ago.

Tim and GCC leadership spent some time writing a vision statement for the next five years of the church. Now this sounds like the church that Jesus told his disciples to go and lead.

The differences at Granger Community Church in the next five years will be greater than the changes of the past twenty-five combined. GCC is not just an institution or location; we are a movement of people who understand that we are Jesus’ plan to transform and heal communities. We accept the challenge and we are raising the bar.

God has called them to raise the bar to do something with the thousands of people who have gathered together in Jesus name. They are fired up — really really cool to read.

Clean Drinking Water & Supplies for Haiti.

What we can do to help those impacted by recent earthquake:

1. Pray for the people in Haiti.

2. Pray for our pastor of disaster relief Jerry Davis and our team as they go into Haiti and direct our relief effort.

3. Give to the relief effort to provide water filtration systems and other needed relief supplies to the people of Haiti.

Mars Hill Church iPhone App by SubSplash


Simple but cool Mars Hill iPhone application by SubSplash.

About Subsplash
We aspire to go beyond convention and deliver both amazement and delight.
Subsplash is a design-centric software company. Our approach to software design is strongly rooted in the iterative process. We love Getting Real and being Agile. By channeling our efforts through this methodology our clients get great results and the return on investment is high. We hope our customers see this benefit when using DreamStream, Timeless and our forthcoming products.

About Mars Hill Church
Mars Hill Church lives for Jesus as a city within the city – knowing culture, loving people, and seeing lives transformed to live for Jesus.
That’s our mission.

YES. You need to have your own iPhone app.

Where does compassion come from?

Join in the conversation. This week: “Where does compassion come from?”

What makes up our soul? Where do feelings come from? Why are we compassionate for other living things?

Seriously, where does compassion come from? From our neurons firing in our brain, from within a group of muscles in the middle of our chest pumping oxygen and platelets and fluid around? From where? How is it that we have the capacity to love and hate with such intense emotion?


Discussing now @ or

We find one example in Genesis 2:7: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul [nephesh]” (King James Version). The New International Version says “man became a living being.” More can be found in scripture at & also in “The Scrpture Doctrines of the Person of Christ.” Google docs are amazing.

Church Internet Campuses // // //

Just a quick screen capture of the live Sunday service webcast from


It’s great to see churches broadcast their service over the Internet. I wanted to see the camera angles, shots, etc. It’s always interesting to see how much effort goes into different church web casts. goes all out with an Internet Campus pastor and the option to choose worship services and more. recently launched their new Internet campus a month or so ago.

So when are we launching? That’s the question. Submitting the details for our 2009 vision and goals next week. Fun stuff.


Still bringing it. Internet Campus.
