The Relationship Zone

There are so many things I have learned during my fourteen years of marriage and maybe I can take some time to list here, but one of the first things I learned during a very trying time was how we live in Relationship Zones.

I remember thinking yep, right now we are between conflict and disengaged and moving further out. This chart opened my eyes and a friend took some time to explain how relationships are like bank accounts, you are either making deposits or withdrawals – and eventually you will reap the rewards of a surplus or feel the pain of an overdrawn & negative account.

Right now I can honestly say we are right in the middle of the Intimacy zone, it’s not always been this way but we have both worked towards the goal of doing whatever it took to keep our marriage alive. The main thing we did was to make time for each other. We started focusing on each others positives. We  also committed to getting back to church regularly and focused on our priorities – God, each other, kids then everything else. Sounds easy but as you know, it’s not. But it’s worth it. It’s worth not being like our parents: living disengaged, disconnected and disinterested or worse. The tough part about trying to live in intimacy is you have to work through conflict, if you simply sweep it under the rug you will drift. Guaranteed.

So where are you? Are you willing do the work it takes for real intimacy? Or will you just drift.  

Recommended Books
Five Love Languages
His Needs Her Needs
Love & Respect

Download Chart:
Download Relationship Zone PDF

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Grace Fellowship Church LIVE

Grace Fellowship Church Paradise, Texas - Live Streaming Services Online

It is crank week at Grace Fellowship Church as we get ready to launch the all new Live streaming of the services! Check it out September 19 at 9:30 & 11:00am. We tested behind the scenes this weekend and the quality looks good so far. The second DSL line is scheduled to be installed this week in order to help with load balance and maximizing bandwidth. We plan on using a simple custom css/php template to run it with chat, live prayer, social media integration and more. The best thing is letting friends, family and new viewers see what Grace Fellowship is all about. It’s a great way to check out the church and see if it is worth visiting but also a great tool for getting the message out across the states and globally.  Stay tuned!

Also, our temporary page and recent announcement seems to be drawing attention from many sides. Love seeing the different perspectives in the area.


Paradise, Texas June Sunset

It has now been a month since I have relocated to Paradise, Texas. For the first time in four weeks I have been able to spend more than three days in a row with my beautiful wife and two amazing kiddos! I thought it would be tough but tolerable to be here without them waiting for school to end and for the house to sell. It’s been tougher than I could have imagined. The good news is we are moving our essentials up this weekend!

Imagine 81 acres in the country with a stocked fishing pond, a metal barn that has been converted into a house and wide open space to roam. There is also a creek that cuts through the rock & hills lined with huge trees! Every bit of the area was created to photograph. Beautiful wild Texas flowers, tall grass perfect for horses, cattle and a spectacular sunset every night! God knows what we desire and in time He speaks.

This was a very tough transition for us relationally – we are starting over 100% in every way. For me things went quiet almost over night. Timing is never what we expect but each step has been one of faith – and believe me mountains have moved. For Myra she is leaving so many great friends and memories. But somehow it seems like God is underlining that He created us to do life together. He has a purpose for us that we do not yet fully see or even understand and that He desires our full attention.

Funny – how just two years ago I sat in my car in a shopping mall parking lot reading over with the faith of a mustard seed we could move mountains. I literally began to pray for mountains to move, for anything to move – for one particular brick on a wall to just move an inch! I trust God, I have faith that He loves us and would do anything for us – He truly does want to give us our heart’s desire – it’s just not the way we ask or expect sometimes. Honestly, I began to pray that He would give us Colby back – that losing him had caused so much pain – left wounds that we could not repair. Just as in 2 Kings – I expected for God to raise him and give him back to us. I truly believe God could do that and I wanted to see it happen. That we did not deserve to lose our son and that Colby did not deserve to go at the age of three – especially to Cancer.

For the next two years – I prayed, pushed, ran out of patience and let myself burn out. I was insistent on my timing for everything; our finances, my marriage, for leaders to lead & love, for negative or blinded people to find Jesus again – to forgive. I had faith that a mountain would move but I was more focused on my wants rather than His will. Even though I was not asking for anything out of the norm – I was unknowingly expecting it to happen now. I was fighting God. Again. I kept it up until I exhausted everything in me.

When we tell God that we are in control we are taking the first steps to totally messing up. I promise. We can move mountains without God – it’s called dynamite – it ugly and destructive. It’s impatience, selfishness and hurtful. Blasting your way through a mountain to get your way is not His plan.

When questioning His plan and thinking about heading out with our own He allowed us to go through some of the toughest yet most clarifying trials in our life. He hammered us with trials and storms and each brought a clear choice. Each one with very clear consequences. It was then I heard clearly “it’s your will or Mine”. In his grace, He allowed us to see that he was in control, that we have no clue what’s best for us. He knows exactly who we are and how He wants to use us.  We had to choose. Especially since we claim to believe that Jesus died for us – and that we are to spread His story to the world, but we could not be in His will without choosing Him every-time – not just when we feel like it. Every time.

Mountains have moved. Our hearts have moved. Our vision, passion and love have moved. Stone by stone I have seen the mountain move. I am grateful to have chosen Him every step of the way.

God thank you for who you are – we truly do get to experience Paradise with you, here on this earth if we simply seek and trust you. Thank you for calling us to a place where relationships are first – with You & with others. Thank you that we are on our way to being totally who you created us to be. Thank you for using us.

The Crick Family – Hospital Trek in New Zealand

My sister and her family are currently in New Zealand working to connect with the local church in Queenstown and surrounding area. My brother in law is suffering from major lower back pain and sounds like the doctors are saying he has a bulging disc. Lay-mans terms, lots of pain. Last night around 8:30pm an ambulance transported him to the nearest hospital with MRI scan capabilities so they could get an updated look at how bad his back is. Blows my mind what we take for granted here in the states. Quick info-graphic showing the trek. Took 3 hours to get there.

Google Map Link with more detail >>

Praying constantly for them. They are 100% supported by donations and are currently spending the last part of their savings on the medical expenses. You can learn more about The Crick Family at their blog. Thank you for joining us in praying for them and they definitely love reading and hearing your encouragement while they are on this journey.

I will be more organized on my next post – just being a bit of a concerned brother at the moment.

Filtering to the next Generation

Working through the principle – What we do effects everything. We can have a positive impact on this world or the inverse – and it’s our choice. What impact are you having on the world around you? What we are doing today will eventually filter down to the next generation. It will. You can bet on it. Ripple Effect. Starting this weekend @woodlandschurch

Where does compassion come from?

Join in the conversation. This week: “Where does compassion come from?”

What makes up our soul? Where do feelings come from? Why are we compassionate for other living things?

Seriously, where does compassion come from? From our neurons firing in our brain, from within a group of muscles in the middle of our chest pumping oxygen and platelets and fluid around? From where? How is it that we have the capacity to love and hate with such intense emotion?


Discussing now @ or

We find one example in Genesis 2:7: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul [nephesh]” (King James Version). The New International Version says “man became a living being.” More can be found in scripture at & also in “The Scrpture Doctrines of the Person of Christ.” Google docs are amazing.

Can I Buy You A Drink?

Myra and I had an amazing time last night at The Living Water International Gayla. A friend from church invited us to attend and learn more about what Living Water is doing for people around the world. These guys have been around since 1998 and have completed over 7,300 projects. They have impacted conservatively hundreds of thousands of people in 26 countries. It was truly amazing to see people give so sacrificially to help those in need. We are praying about funding one water well project and one pump project for 2008-2009. We will see where we go from here. I have never seen a better process for helping people. 83% of funds received go directly to projects with the other 17% going towards administrative and research.

Recently Completed Water Well in El Salvador

Mission Trip Schedule:
Training Schedule:

What are you involved in that will outlast you?


Fast enough

Bumped into a friend/colleague recently at Sycamores cafe and he asked me how everything was going. I quickly fired back the usual “We are moving at about 200 mph these days – lot’s of excellent stuff going on.” (which is true but probably could mix in a new intro every now and then). We smiled and then began discussing a friend and what a great person this guy was – great heart – passion for making an impact. And then before I could really process what I was saying, I threw out “Yes, and the great thing is he has had as crazy of a life as I have so we actually do not scare each other away.” I usually have not had much sleep when words and thoughts start escaping me with little to zero censorship. He replied “What? The Larry I know has had the last 10 years and the next 20 planned out to the nth degree.”

Just when I think life is leveling out. It always amazes me how caught off guard I am when things simply begin to change. I mean things always seem to change every six months – every year or so since I can remember. I like to think I am pretty flexible, especially after looking back at the last 33 years and seeing all stuff that has happened and how God brought me (us) through it all. He really is in control. I have seen it so many times – I am still caught off guard.

The rough edges are being knocked off right now. I feel like I need to be ready for that next step – even though I am not sure what that is;

– It’s praying for leaders to step-up;
– to recognize them when they do;
– to build people up; to encourage;
– to love my wife and kids more than ever;
– to speak honestly and openly when something is on my heart;
– to challenge myself and those around me to not settle;
– to allow myself to dream and to live a life of vision that only God could have possibly inspired.

God wants to work through us – we just simply need to let him. That’s scary. I am tired (mostly because I am not exercising and it’s 3 hours past usual bedtime) but I think when things start changing rapidly I really get worn out because I am trying to analyze, prepare and react to the million things that are moving around me. Or I simply like to focus on what was accomplished this past season which leads me to think about all the time, hard work and effort it took to make it happen – but then I come around back to the exact moment when I physically got on my knees and surrendered it (whatever it was) to God. Seriously cool thing when this happens. Thank you Kerry for emphasizing how important it is to lead from our knees. What a lesson to learn.

O.k., better now. These thoughts are now burnt pixels on the LCD. Thank you God for your grace and for continually molding us until we are a pure blessing to others and 100% in-line with your will and purpose.